Henry Drummond, Scottish bachelor, professor, naturalist and lay evangelist has been given credit for one of the most widespread of Christian writings apart from scripture. It is his message on “The Greatest Thing in the World”, thoughts on “1 Corinthians 13” love. Delivered with minimal preparation, when he was asked to substitute for D. L. Moody one evening during the great English/Scottish revivals of the 1880’s. (google@www.jesus.org.wk/vault/library/drummond)
Here was a man always willing to lend an ear, a word of wisdom or a comforting bit of scripture to any troubled or inquiring student. Many would testify to their rescue by the grace, meekness and message of Drummond.
Recently, and again from my devotional, "Show Me Your Love" (Barbour Publications, 2004), a quote from Drummond caught my attention:
“There have been times when I have had an unspeakable heart-hunger for Christ’s love. My sense of sin is never strong when I think of the law; my sense of sin is strong when I think of love. It is when drawing near the Lord Jesus Christ and longing to be loved that I have the most vivid sense of unsymmetry, of imperfection, of absolute unworthiness, and of my sinfulness. Character and conduct are never so vividly set before me as when in silence I bend in the presence of Christ, revealed not in wrath but in love to me.”
I am reminded of Jesus' conversation with Peter on the shore of the lake after the resurrection. The question which he asked repeatedly was, "Peter, do you love me?"