Friday, April 10, 2009

Return to Glory

He is coming,
Hear the chorus:
“Jesus, Saviour
Of men’s race.”

Now the victor
Over evil;
Routed, Satan,
Face to face.

Clear the pathway
Here in Glory,
That Messiah
May pass by.

Note the emblems
Of his suff’ring
Now are dazzling
To the eye:

In his pierced hands
See the vessel
With the blood of
Matchless worth.

Precious off’ring
Of his passion,
With the power
To ransom earth.

And the cruel crown
Of a mock king,
Left those thorny
Tracks of shame.

Now agleam with
Regal splendour.
What a Saviour!
Praise his name!

Angels singing
To their God
Who left such bliss.

Never dreaming
That a conquest
Could be half
As grand as this. (PHILIPPIANS 2: 5-11)

Father waiting
To receive him,
And to bless him-

Thrilled by total
True submission
Which descended, lived
And died.

Spirit Beings
Stand in wonder
At the zenith
Of God’s Plan.

That the Son
Called Ageless Wisdom (PROVERBS 8)
Should return
To them, God-Man.

With assurance
That a family
Would be coming
In his train.

Singing, praising
God their Father
And the Lamb
For sinners slain!

JOHN 17: 4, 5
I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.